Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Experts of Computer Repair in Philadelphia to Revive Hacked PCs

Have you ever received a disturbing message in your PC saying its files is no longer accesible or it affected other computer users across the states? Or a ransom note saying you have illegally downloaded music, movies, or pornography, and the only way to get your PC functioning again is by paying a lofty fine? This is unfortunate for those who will believe such scam messages. These are the doings of adept hackers, probably the same ones behind the fake antivirus scams, who now uses the so-called “FBI virus” to profit from computer users who will bite into their bait. This type of criminal business has been spreading recently due to its earnings that sums more than $5 million a year. Thus, computer users are advised to be watchful of the messages that popped on their screens or click anything suspicious. And if they happen to receive a ransom note and their computer is locked, turn it off immediately and let an expert in computer repair in Philadelphia address the problem.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Philadelphia Computer Repair Shops – For Affordable and Superior Computer Fix

Are you one of those who can't get through their day without checking something on your computer? How long can you manage without it? If you're the kind of person that depends so much on your Macs and just can't get anything done without it, I'm sure the first thing you thought about when this vital gadget misbehave is to replace it, pronto! But before you throw away this precious little thing, think of the dollars you spent buying it and the bucks you can save if you opt for repairing it rather than purchasing a new one! Why buy a $900 plus brand new computer when Philadelphia computer repair experts can revive your old one for only $145? Moreover, Philadelphia computer repair services just dropped down their price to offer a 40% savings for their costumers. From $145, Power Jack replacement is now only $75; and from $185 you can now have your screen replaced for only $125! So, visit a Philadelphia computer repair shop before you decide to throw that broken laptop away!